Dedicated to the Conservation and Preservation of our Oceans

Active Operation Sealife Programs

”Clean the Keys”

“Sponge Re-seeding”

“Save the Right Whales”

Operation Sealife

Thank you for taking an interest in Operation Sealife, a 501c3 certified nonprofit! Jack and Barbara started this non-profit organization several years ago, unfortunately Jack broke his back and we had to step away! Well he is healthy again and we are back with a vengeance! We hope with the support of like-minded people we are able to use the Ocean Warrior , CACAW! CACAW! and our seaplane to make a difference. You can follow us on YouTube . We have been spending our summer months e-seeding the sponge beds in the gulf coast of Florida. Our winters are spent patrolling the Whale Sanctuaries of the east coast of Florida. We spend our time combating illegal fishing, netting and speeding hips. We are dedicated to making our coast lines a safe place for he Atlantic Right Whales to calve. We hope to migrate with the highly endangered Atlantic Right Whales every year hopefully making their extremely dangerous trip safer by cleaning up the mile long Atlantic drift nets, illegal fishing, crab traps and lobster pots being illegally dropped and slowing down speeding vessels in the whale sanctuaries. We also hope along the way we can partner with other organizations to save dolphins, turtles, any any other creatures in distress. If you would like to get involved either financially or as a volunteer please contact us. Please check out and like our Facebook page @operationsealife and our YouTube channel to watch our adventures. We have made it easy to donate through PayPal, Patreon, and Facebook. Please share this information with your friends because TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE!